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Career program where students get classroom and lab experience working with young children and learn how to plan lessons for preschoolers....
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Learn the skills and concepts currently used in the information technology industry in a programming lab. Topics include computer programming, web pages, game design, computer maintenance, and networks. Students increase problem-solving skills while developing computer programs using a variety of languages and software programs. This course will consist of a wide range of projects beginning with basic computer science skills and culminating with student-designed interactive projects/games.
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Learn the skills and concepts currently used in the information technology industry in a programming lab. Topics include computer programming, web pages, game design, computer maintenance, and networks. Students increase problem-solving skills while developing computer programs using a variety of languages and software programs. This course will consist of a wide range of projects beginning with basic computer science skills and culminating with student-designed interactive projects/games.
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Learn the skills and concepts currently used in the information technology industry in a programming lab. Topics include computer programming, computer maintenance, networks, and web pages. Students increase problem-solving skills while developing computer programs using a variety of languages. This course will consist of a wide range of projects beginning with basic computer science skills and culminating with student-designed interactive projects/games.
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I am teaching both Computer Programming & Technology, as well as Game Design at Ironwood High School this year.
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Learn the skills and concepts currently used in the information technology industry in a programming lab. Topics include computer programming, computer maintenance, networks, and web pages. Students increase problem-solving skills while developing computer programs using a variety of languages. This course will consist of a wide range of projects beginning with basic computer science skills and culminating with student-designed interactive projects/games.
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